Environmental Remediation

Industrial Cleaning Services

Need Environmental Remediation? Reach Out to Specialized Waste Systems

Environmental Remediation Services In Houston Texas

When your facility encounters a severe chemical spill or related emergency, our dedicated team is here to provide 24/7 environmental cleanup and environmental remediation services.

Specialized Waste Systems is known to be one of the best environmental remediation companies in Houston, Texas. We are committed to providing cutting-edge decontamination and environmental remediation services for industrial plants and facilities.

Our environmental remediation and decontamination services are designed to meet the highest industry standards, offering a comprehensive approach to environmental cleanup.

industrial services

We swiftly and efficiently address the contaminated soil by removing, treating, or neutralizing the contaminated pollutants and preventing further spread of contamination.

Our advanced techniques can remove the contaminants in your groundwater or wastewater and help protect your water resources with continuous monitoring to ensure effective cleanup.

Our specialized techs can eliminate and clean up hazardous materials with precision, ensuring a safe and compliant cleanup process to avoid potential health and environmental risks.

We help develop an extensive Hazardous Materials Management Material plan to provide guidance and enhance emergency preparedness and response.

Proper disposal and management of abandoned waste, minimizing environmental risks is critical with staying compliant for your facility. We provide proper management and disposal of abandoned or hazardous waste.

Need help disposing of drums continuing hazardous substances? Our team safely handles and disposes of drums containing hazardous materials.

What is Environmental Remediation?

Environmental remediation refers to the processes of reversing or minimizing environmental damage caused by pollution, chemical spills, contamination, or hazardous substances. 

This approach involves the identification, assessment, and environmental cleanup of these pollutants to mitigate their impact.

The overall goal is to restore the affected areas to a state where they are safe for human health, the ecosystems, and the surrounding environment. 

Types of Environmental Remediation Services

We understand the importance and urgency to quickly take action to safeguard your site. Our team performs a thorough evaluation of the contaminated area, identifying the nature and pollutants in order to develop an effective remediation plan.

Environmental remediation encompasses various strategies to address and eliminate the pollution and contamination, ensuring the restoration of the ecosystems and human health.

Some of the types of environmental remediation services we offer are:

Groundwater/Wastewater Remediation

Our advanced techniques can remove the contaminants in your groundwater or wastewater and help protect your water resources with continuous monitoring to ensure effective environmental cleanup.

Soil and Oil Spill Cleanup

We provide emergency spill response. Our techs will swiftly and efficiently address the contaminated soil by removing, treating, or neutralizing the contaminated pollutants and preventing further spread of contamination.

Hazardous Material Management (HazMat) Remediation

Our specialized techs can eliminate and clean up hazardous materials with precision, ensuring a safe and compliant cleanup process to avoid potential health and environmental risks. 

Hazardous Material Management (HazMat) Plans

We help develop an extensive Hazardous Materials Management Material plan to provide guidance and enhance emergency preparedness and response.

Abandoned Waste Handling

Proper disposal and management of abandoned waste, minimizing environmental risks is critical with staying compliant for your facility. We provide proper management and disposal of abandoned or hazardous waste.

Drum Management

Need help disposing of drums continuing hazardous substances? Our team safely handles and disposes of drums containing hazardous materials.

Houston’s Trusted Partner In Environmental Remediation

Make the first step towards a cleaner tomorrow. Partner with Specialized Waste Systems, the leading environmental remediation company in Houston, Texas, and our team will be available round the clock for any emergency response and environmental remediation services.

We go beyond remediation and are committed to ensuring your site remains a healthy environment moving forward. Contact us today to discuss your industrial cleaning needs and let us provide the expertise and support your facility deserves.

Your Trusted Partner For Remediation Services

For over 30 years, we have provided best-in-class technical expertise and unmatched customer service to industrial, manufacturing, oil and gas, and commercial clients.

Specialized Waste Systems is the trusted leader in Environmental Remediation Services in Greater Houston and throughout the Gulf Coast.

Our team of experts has the knowledge and resources to handle all of your waste streams efficiently, safely, and responsibly. To learn more about our complete range of industrial cleaning services, contact Specialized Waste Systems today.

hazardous waste washout services

Specialized Waste Systems is your trusted partner for environmental remediation company in Houston, Texas. With over 30 years of experience and a dedicated team, we understand the importance of proper disposal and environmental remediation for various industrial sectors. 

Contact us today, the leading provider of environmental remediation services to reduce environmental impact and protect the health of your community.

industrial services specialized waste


“I’m energized by the interaction I have with customers every day. At Specialized, our focus is going above and beyond to solve problems, increase safety and reliability, and use our experience in the industry to benefit others.”

Ervin Guillory
Operations Manager / Industrial And Emergency Response

industrial services

Industrial Cleaning Services

Connect with our specialists for industrial tank cleaning, environmental remediation, and maintenance.

washout services specialized waste

Washout Services

Washouts are conducted to eliminate hazardous materials, waste, and residues accumulated during manufacturing, processing, or storage.

specialized waste system vehicles

Transportation & Box Rentals

Rely on one of the region’s largest fleets to transport and dispose of non-hazardous and hazardous waste.